Grand Rapids janitorial service provided by
Building Maintenance Corporation
Building Maintenance Corporation is a Grand Rapids Janitorial Service Which Features:
- daily, weekly and monthly cleaning service programs
- stripping and refinishing of tile flooring
- wood floor care (solid and veneer)
- light fixture maintenance
- ceiling and vent cleaning
- window cleaning
- matting sales and maintenance
- janitorial supplies and inventory control
- shop floor machine scrubbing and maintenance
- carpet cleaning

Grand Rapids Janitorial Service

LEED-EB Certification
- While many chemicals may be good for cleaning, they’re not all that great for people. That’s why BMC’s environmentally responsible cleaning program was developed—to create safer, healthier environments for our customer. By incorporating elements such as accelerated hydrogen peroxide solutions, microfiber mops & dust cloths and high-filtration vacuums, Our approach embodies a basic standard that caring about people, profit and the planet don’t have to be mutually exclusive.
- The result: where air quality and environmental hygiene levels go up, labor & healthcare costs, workers comp claims and maintenance expenses go down. By decreasing sick days, maintenance costs and health care expenses, That’s something everyone can feel good about. Your staff will feel and work better knowing that they are not being exposed to harmful chemical residues. Working in a clean and environmentally healthy environment makes everyone more comfortable.
- LEED stands for Leadership for Environmental Engineering and Design. The LEED Green Building Rating System (LEED-EB) is a set of performance standards for the efficient operation of existing buildings. LEED-EB helps owners and managers improve their buildings’ performance, reduce costs, create healthier workspaces and gain public recognition for environmental leadership in the community. Out of the 32 points required for basic LEED-EB certification, Building Maintenance Corporation can help you obtain as many as 13 of these credits as we have for many of our customers.